Welcome to Talking with Tracey! A place where we can be real about the everyday joys and struggles that impact our lives. A space where we can talk, learn and support one another. Life is awesome, awful, scary, overwhelming, funny and beautiful! Let’s talk about it!

I’ve been a licensed professional counselor in Michigan for 19 years. Working with people for that long has taught me invaluable lessons about life. Lessons I’d love to share with you! One thing I’ve learned for sure is that no one grows and changes by themselves. We need people to push us on our journey to becoming our best selves. This space is our push!

I've been married for 24 years to Todd, my husband and favorite human ever. We have three wonderfully, unique and incredible kids. One grown and flown, one in college and one middle schooler. I'm also lucky enough to be surrounded by friends and family that bring me joy and feed my soul!

I want to share my ideas with you about parenting, marriage, mental health issues, self-love, social justice and spirituality—and I want to hear your thoughts as well! It might seem like a whirlwind of topics sometimes, but doesn’t that reflect our lives? Let's talk about it all!

Welcome to Talking with Tracey!


Anything you read on my site cannot be confused with actual therapy.

I encourage anyone who’s struggling under the weight of life stressors to seek out your own counseling ASAP!

You’re worth taking care of!